If you didn’t know Gavin before you’re probably starting to realize what a great kid he was. Stories continue to trickle in about the impact he had on others. The stories mostly come from his classmates along with some of his fellow scouts. They speak of his kindness and how he made people feel comfortable. They speak of what a blessing it was to know him and how he left an indelible impact on them. They speak to people missing their friend.
What happened to Gavin is unimaginable. It has left us reeling in many ways, and, to be expected, it rocked our faith. As the dust continues to settle, when we allow ourselves to be open to listening and seeing, God’s fingerprints are all over Gavin’s life right up to the end as well as in our lives in the aftermath. It’s hard to see them sometimes through the sadness, anger, and pain, but they are undeniably there to believers. Following is an example that has brought us substantial comfort, and I hope it will bring others comfort as well.
Both Conor and Gavin acted as altar servers at Annunciation Catholic Church from early 2021 through September 2022. Over the time they served they were always scheduled together, every time, except once.
Gavin alone was scheduled for 8 AM mass on Sunday September 11. It was ironic as Gav was not a morning person. We got a chuckle out of the unusual circumstance. Gav scheduled without Conor, and it was bright and early. As with anything tedious Gav grumbled minimally and served admirably. That was the Sunday before he passed.
Two days later on Tuesday September 13 Gavin attended the weekly school mass with his classmates at Annunciation Catholic Academy. It’s a beautiful service; the church full of school kids all dressed in their formal uniforms. Gavin presumably received holy Communion during this mass.
The next day on Wednesday Gavin’s class went to confession in church. Not sure Gav had a lot to confess, but as perfect as he was to us, he wasn’t perfect, so there was likely a few things to tidy up.
So to recap his final week:
He served the Lord on Sunday, he received the Lord on Tuesday, and he confessed his sins the day before he went home to be with God in a completely unexpected passing on Thursday. Non-believers will say it’s simply coincidence, that he was in a catholic school and would therefore be in a position for these things to commonly occur. Maybe. But when I asked how frequently the kids gave confession during the school year the answer is, get this, twice. Twice in a 180 day school year.
You can believe something special was happening, …or not. We choose to believe.
This post is so beautiful. My daughter attends ACA, but is only in 1st grade so she didn’t know Gavin directly. But the impact his loss had on the school community spoke volumes of the kind of child he was. the events of his last week were clearly no coincidence and is a beautiful testimony that God is always with us. Thank you so much for sharing. I have thought about him multiple times since that day. He came into my mind this morning so I searched his name and came across this beautiful journal you have created for him. God bless you and your family And thank you again for sharing his story.
Gosh, I celebrate! I don't just celebrate the beautiful preparation for his eternal entry (sorry if that is not sensitive) but also that you have sought and found such spiritual insight. In no way, shape, or form does this diminish or lessen the pain. It does, however, provide some relief in knowing that God is present, He is aware, He has not left you. I'm grateful for you sharing your heart and journey.
That really is so amazing...It reminds me of Easter. Gav had his own three days before his resurrection; he was ready body, mind, and spirit. He was so strong in his faith in his tender years, and hope he sends you lots of signs to bring you all comfort.